Monday 30 December 2013

Tomorrows the last day of December


So tomorrow is the last day of December, and the last day of 2013! This year has flown by far to fast. Its like yesterday, I sad its almost 2012. This year has been full of good memories and bad memories... But why remember the bad when there is still the good. Lots of things this year have changed ... Friends, families ,schools ,clothes ,hair or even your phone, we've changed. Its sad to think your life will never be exactly like it was at the beginning of the year. If you look closely something has changed ,even the smallest thing. We've all got older ,matured more (hopefully) and we've all learnt something new.

I hope that everyone has a happy New Year!
As we close the door to the past, we open a new door into the future.
And the future is a new year.

Thursday 26 December 2013

2013 memories

The year is flying by and things are coming to an end ,as New Year’s is only about 4 days away! Christmas is over and so is 2013 so I thought it would be nice to look at the memories of the year.

·         This year was the year I went to Primary School for the last time! I will miss the people that aren’t going to high school with me, and the fun times I had their! I will mostly miss my teachers, walking up and down the long hallway and going up 42 steps (EXACT) ,to the top floor every morning.

·         My birthday ! I had my 13th birthday party on the 1st of June ,with all my buddies, we took pictures, danced and we just had a blast. My favourite part of the night was seeing everyone’s outfits ,because the dress code was to come as something that starts with the letter of you name. There was a tooth fairy ,a cat ,a rabbit, cat women, sandy from Greece and many more.

·         I went to the beach for the holidays in June for three weeks. I stayed at my aunt for 1 and met up with my parents for 2. I was very sick when I was with my parents… I’m convinced it was food poisoning. But a couple of days later I was okay .And I ate their vanilla cake religiously, as it was to die for. I had an awesome time that holiday, with friends and family.

·         One of my favourite GLEE stars Cory Montieth passed… may he R.I.P

·         I got my braces … I was not a fan of braces! They made my mouth extremely sore, and I’m glad they came off only after 8 months.I will always oddly remember the day they came off.

o   I went to go watch ‘THIS IS US’ the One Direction movie AGAIN! With my friend.(We sat at the back of the theatre).BUT, before the movie there was a little drama. I found out you not allowed to watch a movie twice on you movie card! And ironically didn’t have enough money so I had to borrow R20 from my friend. So I didn’t even have money for popcorn and my friend only had enough for a small. I felt bad. But anyway we had a great time. After that my mom picked me up for the regular 8 week check-up. I went to the orthodontist sat on his little, yet BIG chair. And he said you getting your braces off.

·         For spring break we only had about a week ,so my dad took us down to the coast for the weekend.  We drove there for 7hrs spent 2 days there and drove back. Not the most exciting holiday, but it was fun.

·         Christmas! Christmas break has been fun … our Christmas break is our summer so it’s a 2 month break. I’m staying on the coast with my family and just chilling, because it’s what you meant to do on a holiday. But before we left , the world came to a standstill as we all began to find out Nelson Mandela had passed… may he R.I.P. But anyway, I’m having a great time had a great Christmas and got lots of presents.

But now the year has come to an end and we have to start all over again. I can’t wait for 2014 to start as well as the beginning of my high school experience <3