Monday 30 December 2013

Tomorrows the last day of December


So tomorrow is the last day of December, and the last day of 2013! This year has flown by far to fast. Its like yesterday, I sad its almost 2012. This year has been full of good memories and bad memories... But why remember the bad when there is still the good. Lots of things this year have changed ... Friends, families ,schools ,clothes ,hair or even your phone, we've changed. Its sad to think your life will never be exactly like it was at the beginning of the year. If you look closely something has changed ,even the smallest thing. We've all got older ,matured more (hopefully) and we've all learnt something new.

I hope that everyone has a happy New Year!
As we close the door to the past, we open a new door into the future.
And the future is a new year.

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