Saturday 4 January 2014

Technology Today

So I was reading the quotes on Tumblr and I came across this one…

“Cell phones these days keep getting thinner and smatter… people the opposite.”- Anonymous

And it actually occurred to me that it’s actually very true… because people are sitting around on their thin little smartphone all day. And I don’t think I should be talking because it’s something I do all the time… but I’m not talking, I’m typing you see (SMART).

But all jokes aside it’s actually really scary that children from about the age of 7 these days have phones, and they are glued to them. Our parents always told us, “In our day we didn’t have all this technology, we actually went out and played outside” and that we must get off our phones, laptops and tablets to go kick a ball or something. Do you ever go to a restaurant and look at the families ,people or couples at the tables and they barely talking …the most they probably say are the things they are going to order…

Technology is changing our world far too fast and limiting children’s imaginations and talents because they not trying to discover them, I mean what do you think children these days would do without Wi-Fi… because I know I struggle to last a day SOMETIMES?

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