Saturday 11 January 2014

High School

AHHHHH!!! I'm just about to start a new journey in my life called
I get told often that it's extremely fun and a whole new experience... I'm just worried its the total opposite!

being the little kid again...surrounded by the big kids ...not my cup of tea...

I hope I don't walk into school on the first day and all my friends randomly forget who I am... I hope the come up to me and give me a great big hug and saying "Rhianne I missed you so much", I wont be surprised if they don't as 'real' friends are not that easy to find anymore they mostly just little girls looking for attention and bragging points.

I want to stay with as many of the friends I have already, yet I also want to make new friends, that can stay friends with me forever, that I can tell my children about someday or something like that... I just hope that I don't lose all my confidence and I hope I build a back bone and learn to stand up for myself.

I hope everyone that is starting a new school a new job or even just another year in the same place... I hope you have fun and enjoy every moment because you only hopefully get 1 opportunity to be in the position you in, and I hope you all have a successful 2014

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